Library Visits

Meet & Greet
Children are taught facts about the visiting horse, such as what a therapy horse is, parts of the horse, what they eat, and how to keep them healthy. Each child will have a chance to pet, love on, and brush the horse. There will be time to pose for pictures, and each child will be given a trading card of the horse to bring home.
ALL visits include seasonal trading cards of the visiting horse.
Slide Show Presentation
Educational Visit: (for third grade up) Ana will go through a slide presentation while her mom will make it interactive with the horse and children as she and the horse demonstrate different skills, parts of the horse's body and how it is used, along with the other uses for a miniature horses. Each child will have a chance to pet, love on, and brush the horse. There will be time to pose for pictures, and each child will be given a trading card of the horse to bring home.
ALL visits include seasonal trading cards of the visiting horse.
Reading with Roo or Roxxy's Roundup
This Visit is story time hour. Ana, Roxxy, or Roo would love to share a story. Ana will start the hour by introducing the children to the visiting horse and giving some educational information about the horse. Ana, will read a short story about a therapy horse. Children who wish to read to the horse will be allowed to read while the others listen and color Rooxy or Roo coloring pages. I am in the process of writing a book about Roxxy and should have it out in 2024. We will add a Meet the Author visit and book signing at that time.
All visits include seasonal trading cards of the visiting horse.