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My Story 

Overcoming Obstacles -  Learning to Pivot

ana on roxxy.jpg

Hi, I'm Ana. I'm 15 years old  and I have a huge passion for horses. I wanted to share this passion with others so they could enjoy the joy/therapeutic gift that horses can offer. Because of my passion my mom and I started Ana's World of Minis Pony Parties & Therapy program (2022).
   My story actually starts in Bulgaria, where I was born. I was in the orphanage and foster care system until I was four. I was in the system for so long that I was highlighted as the child of the month. That's where my adoptive parents first saw me, and my whole life changed. I came to America right after my 4th birthday.

     I had some difficulty with anger and coping.

When I was six years old, someone suggested

horseback riding, and a whole new world

opened up for me. I loved being on such a

powerful, beautiful animal but feeling in complete control. It was the one area of my life where I felt I was in control. It was also one of the few places where being small was an advantage.
   I rode off and on for several years and got really serious when I was 12. I had a fantastic teacher, Regina Ennis ( She was strict with me but rebuilt my fundamentals from the ground up. We were preparing for my first competition when my world fell apart. I was diagnosed with a fused neck related to a genetic disorder. The doctor told me if I were thrown, it would be fatal. I remembered when the doctor suggested non-physical activities like baking … my mom thought I was about to attack him. I was heartbroken. My world revolved around horses. I had big plans and dreams that were suddenly gone.

     Regina gave me options for riding safely, but I didn't feel safe anymore. I researched everything I could about horses that could be done outside of riding and found liberty training. The problem was my parents aren't horse people and are intimidated by

big horses …. miniatures were the answer. My mom

found an excellent breeder in NY named Karen Miller

( She invited us for a weekend to

learn about minis and how to show them. Her friend

had a beautiful silver bay for sale that we fell in love

with. We didn't have a trailer but were told that minis could be trailered in minivans … Fortunately, we were driving a minivan! We surprised my dad with the great news when we got home. I got my first horse to train, and my parents started marital counseling. It was a great weekend. 
   Roxy came a couple of months after. The funny thing about minis, you can't just have one. I joined 4H and am working with Renee Tanzi ( to show the horses. Between my life coach, Ms. Elizabeth Occhipinti ( suggesting I start a pony party business, my dad encouraging me to move from a "cost center" to a "profit center" to pay for the minis, and my mom's love of planning parties - a pony party was born. 
   I've learned much about work, marketing, websites, party planning, revenue, insurance, budgets, taxes, etc. This has been such a great adventure for me. I'm grateful to my family and those who encouraged and invested in me. I am learning daily that life doesn't always go how you want it to, but God has a plan for me. 
   If yo
u ask me at your party about horses, just know I don't have an off button when it comes to horses, and I'm still learning to read body language… I'll try not to give you too much information.  

 Since starting the pony party business, I have found miniature therapy. Roxxy is now a certified therapy horse, and we are making 3 to 5 visits each week to nursing homes, libraries, and schools. I enjoy making these visits with Roxxy. The joy and smiles she brings warm the resident's hearts, mine, and my mom's. I really love what I do

​Update: Since I started this program two years ago, I now have three certified therapy horses. Roo started last November in 2023, and Odyssey was just certified in November 2024. My therapy program is growing and I plan to introduce new animals in the spring of 2025. 

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